With the new year underway, now is the perfect time to start thinking about some goals you want to share with your children. Taking time to reflect back on this year is beneficial and can help guide you on what habits you want to instill in them. Goals that are achievable and specific can be a great way to show kids the importance of developing habits and can make it easier to stay on track with their goals. If you need help getting started, we outlined three habits that are beneficial for all children going into the new year!
Develop a Morning Routine
Teaching your child the importance of setting goals in the morning that are specific and achievable can be a great way for your child to feel a sense of responsibility for their personal care. Having routines such as making their bed, brushing their teeth, getting changed, and having breakfast are all healthy habits to teach children. Having a daily routine with small goals can be a great skill to teach our kids and can help ease the stress of the pandemic by giving them something they have control over.
Be Physically Active
Being physically active is important for us all, even our little ones. They provide many health benefits like building strong bones and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. You can make fitness fun and easy by doing it together as a family. Going for a family walk or playing a game of tag are perfect examples to help get them moving! Finding different ways to incorporate physical activity into our children's lives can be a habit that lasts until adulthood, making it beneficial to teach this skill at an early age!
Unplug from Electronics
When it comes to children, the amount of digital entertainment options they have is seemingly endless. Netflix and Zoom have become a staple in most of our lives this year, and kids have relied heavily on electronics to supplement activities such as seeing friends and hosting online gatherings. However, it’s important to have a healthy balance of screen time mixed in with other activities such as going for a walk, playing a sport, or reading a book. Many health benefits are attributed to spending time outdoors, such as feeling happier. Encouraging kids to spend time outdoors, even for as little as 10 minutes, is a positive step in helping to promote spending time away from their devices.